Band - jam with your friends and get to gig all over Tulsa
The Good Life Music & Media Lessons - a Tulsa arts academy - Band music program gives students ages 7 - 17 the chance to join a gigging band made up of fellow music students from Good Life, their neighborhood or their school.
These students perform additional shows throughout the year in addition to their weekly lessons performance schedules in things like LIVE and our Achievement Days evaluation/jury.
Frequently Asked Questions
Our teachers understand that every student is an individual, with personal musical needs and goals. We make it a priority to tailor how we teach and what we teach to your individual needs.
If you enroll here for band, your teacher will ask each of you about your favorite type of music, and set goals to help accomplish whatever musical aspirations you have as a group. Together, you will develop a plan to achieve your goals! We love beginners, so even if you don't know where to begin, we can help!
Students audition to be in band as an added premium activity and, once selected, are considered leaders in the Good Life community and perform live shows at local rock stages and competitions throughout the year.
We teach all styles from rock, pop, jazz, country, worship, blues and classical. We combine the important fundamentals with the music YOU want to play. With experienced band teachers at Good Life Music & Media Lessons - a Tulsa arts academy, you are sure to find we are the best match for YOU.
Our instructors are highly qualified, all have teaching experience, and most importantly, they have a passion for teaching. Being a musician doesn't automatically make you a teacher--that's why we search for those who are best qualified for mentoring our music students!
We search the entire area for the top teachers, who embody the high values at Good Life Music & Media Lessons - a Tulsa arts academy. Most importantly, our instructors strive to relate their teaching to each individual student's learning style. Many of our instructors have gone on performance tours of the USA and Europe and have years of professional performance and teaching experience. In addition to their teaching abilities, our teachers have warm personalities, are extremely friendly, and strive to get to know each student and their parent or caregiver on a personal level. We search high and low for the BEST teachers, so you don't have to!